Liberty Moon™
Hope | Community | Recovery | Lifestyle
Escape the trauma™
Follow the moonlight to your freedom™
What we offer you
We offer more than community. We offer free and paid resources, mostly virtually.
Examples of how we help you escape your trauma and adversity, and achieve stability, include but not limited to:
*some services, supports, resources are not yet offered or is paused due to lack of staff*
Disclaimer: We are not a mental health provider, nor do we either provide therapy or are a substitute for treatment. We offer mental health peer education and a mental health community adjacent to your treatments. However, in the future we will incorporate wellness supports eg. telehealth, counseling, etc. from qualified mental health practitioners such as social workers and psychiatrists.
We're a micro sized online mental health community education center and safe space community. We started in April 2021 in my apartment.
Our priority is your recovery and stability from trauma and mental illness through mental health peer education. Some topics include patient education, mental illnesses, related adversities, and resources that can help.
We're a small effort that would love the opportunity to have our effort reach the lives of many.
One day trauma and adversity won't have power over us.
We're an online community mental health education center helping folks everywhere cultivate mental health recovery and stability.
Our values
We promote hope, community, recovery, healthy behaviors and lifestyles.
Our goal is to help folks escape trauma by raising awareness and knowledge of various mental health topics through mental health peer education. While also offering mental health certifications to help certify more folks in the community that can help address community mental health in their communities that are under supported.
Reason for doing this
When I first started my mental health journey I didn't even know there was really such a thing as mental illnesses, let alone resources that could help. And not knowing how to navigate the world and various related adversities caused me many problems.
If I had known what I know now, I probably wouldn't have learned things the hard way. Which the hard way is something I don't want anyone to have to do.
Even if you don't have developmental trauma or going through adversities or know someone with these challenges, the hope is to help others escape their trauma, too.
If you or someone you know wants to take this opportunity, please connect with our community and share the community with others.
So whether you yourself is going through it or someone you know, hope and resources are out there. It's easy to be hopeless but it's work to be hopeful and is work best done together.
"Where's there is hope, there is a way " - Wolf (Alantis Perkins)
Please consider donating to my website or purchasing mental health related items and artwork from my store. All proceeds go towards bills I have, running the website, my efforts to help folks escape their trauma by creating and curating quality content and resources. 'Follow the moonlight to your freedom™.' - Alantis Perkins