Who I am doing this for.
Hi there,
You don't know me very well, so maybe you don't know who I'm doing this for, either.
I'm doing this for all the kids in real life that you've seen in movies like Keanu Reeves's Hard Ball, Robin Williams's The Dead Poet's Society, Morgan Freeman's Lean On Me, Samuel L. Jackson's One Eight Seven, or Hillary Swanks's Freedom Writers.
If you have hope you can find a better way to survive, a better way to live. Kids need hope to stay alive and thrive. Kids need hope to keep their souls alive. Kids need hope for growth. Kids need hope.
I'm doing this for all the troops who come home to misfortune and to suicide.
I'm doing this for everyone brave enough or courageous enough to leave their cults but find out they don't have any life skills to survive and thrive in the world. I'm doing this for the folks trapped in narcissistic abuse.
I'm doing this for all the folks caught between political wars.
I'm doing this for everyone effected by cancer. I'm doing this for my late parents who lost their battles to cancer. I'm doing this for everyone homeless. For everyone effected by autism who needs life skills and hope to survive and thrive. For everyone with trauma histories. For everyone effected by community issues.
I'm doing this for all my loved ones. I'm doing this for me. I need to do this because my heart is hungry for it. Especially while I'm on a journey to self-mastery.
I hope we as a community can stop the hate and stop the violence. I hope we as a community can learn to love, learn to hope, learn to cultivate, learn compassion, and learn to make positive connections. I'm hoping that you make the better decisions in life because life is too short to live any other way.
We need to prioritize giving hope to the hopeless so we can recover from mental illnesses and related adversities, together, as a community.
But either way, I love you. I hope for the best for you.
Sincerely, Wolf (Alantis Perkins)